
What is Cornmoji?
Cornmoji is a "gallery of emojis" created by some people. Actually, you may yourself become one of those people by sending your emojis through something called "Parcel" which as of now isn't ready yet, but it will be open to new emojis very soon.
You may use emojis that are in the gallery freely if the usage follows the "Usage of Cornmojis Policy" (see below). Here's a quick summary of it: You may use cornmojis without credit, creditting is appreciated, and you can't say that a cornmoji is yours.

Alright, cool. How do I use cornmojis then?
It depends on where you're using the cornmoji at - here is a guide on how to use cornmojis on where cornmojis are most often used on.
HTML (for example, your personal website)
Put in this code in: <img src="" alt="?" width="20px">
No img closing tag is required. You may modify the size of the emoji by changing the width parameter of the image tag provided above.
Traditional BBCode
Scratch Forums BBCode
Putting a cornmoji on the scratch forums is a hassle because Scratch doesn't allow images hosted on almost all sites on the internet including ours to be on the forums.
There is a workaround through this, though. You can download the emoji you want to use, then host it either using image hosting services such as cubeupload or using the trick which is heavily simplified by Scratch Addons' "Forums image uploader" addon.
Before you go, the URL "" won't work. You need to replace the EMOJICODE text with the emoji code of the cornmoji. In the cornmoji gallery, each emoji has an "emoji code" attached to it. So, to get your cornmoji working properly, you need to replace the EMOJICODE with the emoji code of the emoji you want to show.
For example, I want to use the analog clock emoji. Instead of putting in the URL, I put in because the analog clock emoji has the emoji ID "acc/set1/clock".

We are partners with Aspect Inc.
Usage of Cornmojis Policy
Cornmoji is a property of its developers.
You may use cornmojis in personal and commercial use.
However, crediting is recommended,
and saying that a cornmoji is yours is disallowed.